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Client Testimonial - Chrisi & Simon Kennedy

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Jameson Little <> - MIT license (git:// fuse.js v3.2.0 - Kirollos Risk - Apache license ( lodash.isequal v4.5.0 - John-David Dalton <> ( - MIT license file-saver v1.3.3 - Eli Grey <> - MIT license ( dom-helpers v3.3.1 - Jason Quense - MIT license classNames v2.2.4 - Jed Watson - MIT license ( jquery v3.3.1 - JS Foundation and other contributors - MIT license ( mobx-react-devtools v4.2.15 - Michel Weststrate - MIT license ( mousetrap v1.6.0 - Craig Campbell - Apache 2.0 license (git:// over three years ago we started personal training sessions with Allan.

Initially we did one hour a week but quite soon after starting increased this to two hours a week. We've had a number of personal trainers over the years and Allan is by far the best.

He is very professional, a really nice guy and very reliable. He certainly makes you work. More importantly he works with us to make sure we retain strength, flexibility and balance, essential in our later life years.

Each session is varied so it's never boring. We certainly would have no hesitation in recommending Allan.

Chrisi & Simon - his oldest clients. EndFragment

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